Thread: Everyone gone?
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Old 04-24-2018, 03:58 PM
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Originally Posted by FlintTony View Post

Chevymaher, what is the hinge spot all about? Is the weather there colder than normal for this time of year?
It is bizzare colder than normal here. Last year same time it was 80's. We had snow a week ago. It is decent now 50's and raining.

I got 2 heaters under the cockpit cover. Get it up to 80 degrees in there. The do some glassing and let it cure. It is slowing me down but i am kicking.

The silly hood hinges. One at a time the pivot deals. Huge pop rivet things. One at a time they are popping out. Second time chipped the paint. This is the third. I felt it and caught it in time.

I had a buddy hold it up and i put a nut and bolt through it. Shut it gently. There is no motor I will crawl under there and take them both off. I have done it before when it happened.

Don't quite know what is going back in there. But I am removing the factory ones and putting something else in there. I am pondering this and looking at hardware.

All I know is these things do this to much for my liking I had nothing but trouble with them as a kid in the 70's. Not asking much open close not go sideways like when I was a kid or pop loose like this is doing periodically.

The washer they crushed into the pop rivet part. Just is working loose over time then pops off.

Bushing a nut and bolt of some type that looks fairly factory. Tack weld the threads so they can't back off. LOL I got time to think about it.
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